Entering Shows
This summer, at the urging of friends, I decided to try entering my artwork in more local shows. In the past I've participated in a few here and there: the Lakewood Arts Council of course, since I'm a member of the Council and the LAC Co-op Gallery, the 40West Arts District, Tenn St. Books Red-Handed Show, Niza Knoll "Gone to the Dogs" and the Glenwood Springs Fall Show to name a few. The Glenwood show, although quite a production for delivery and pickup of the art, proved to be a successful experience, with me making a few sales and winning a couple of ribbons (although their budget for purchase of ribbons must have been quite high -- I've never seen so many shiny rosettes hanging from frames!)
One show I would really like to get into is the Rocky Mountain Water Media Society show at Foothills Art Center in Golden. Well, hopefully my $30 entry fee is going to good use. Unfortunately I was not in the lucky 10% of entrants that were accepted. Maybe next year! I had more luck with the Curtis Arts & Humanities All Colorado Show, having "The Rustling Oak" accepted, and the Littleton Art Depot All Colorado Show accepting "Sun-Baked" and "Heartwood". And quite the honor, one of my pieces, "Meandering Stream", currently owned by 40West president, Bill Marino, is going to the Capitol Building for an exhibit sometime this year. Now that's exciting!